We’ve moved effective July 1, 2021. New Address

Welcome to Baldwin Counseling
Call Us Today (757) 340-0275

Just Living is not enough…
one must have sunshine,
freedom, and, a little flower.
~ Hans Christian Andersen

Do not go where the path may
lead, go instead where there
is no path and leave a trail.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Maybe all one can do is hope to
end up with the right regrets.
~ Arthur Miller

Baldwin Counseling was established in 2014 by Dr. Suzanne Baldwin. She has extensive experience in crisis intervention; having been in private practice as a therapist for twenty years, specializing in working with families who are in crisis. Prior to becoming a therapist Dr. Baldwin was a Newborn Intensive Care Nurse for eighteen years, a pediatric nurse for one year, and a school nurse for a year. Through extensive involvement with families who are in the court system, often for divorce, custody, and visitation issues, Dr. Baldwin is often sought out by attorneys and social service departments to help children and families who are in litigation. Dr. Baldwin’s approach is family centered, recognizing that when families are struggling, early and appropriate intervention has been found to be the most effective strategy to reduce long-term issues.

About The Doctor

Suzanne Baldwin

Dr. Baldwin received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Virginia, her Masters in Social Work at Norfolk State University, and her Ph.D. in Social Work from Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Baldwin’s has been a therapist since 1994 and specializes in working with military members and their families (including working with Special Forces), children and families who are involved in court proceedings (including coparenting, reconciliation therapy, and providing expert testimony), and marital therapy. She taught in the Human Services program at Old Dominion University for twenty years, twice earning Inspirational Professor of the Year for the Darden School of Education. Dr. Baldwin was a Newborn Intensive Care nurse for eighteen years, a school nurse for a year, and a pediatric nurse for a year.

She presents frequently at local, regional, and national conferences for social workers and the legal profession, focusing on collaboration with attorneys, coparenting, reconciliation, and working within the legal system as a therapist. Her extensive work with families involved in the court system has led to the designation of an expert witness in local courts.

Her husband is a twenty-year Navy veteran and her father served in WW II, retiring from the Army Reserves. One child is married to an active-duty Air Force member. Fifteen years of her nursing career were at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth so she has familiarity with the military community.

Her parents were born and raised in Norfolk and chose to return to the area to retire. Dr. Baldwin has three adult children and six grandchildren. Currently five live within driving distance but the youngest is in Arizona. Faith and family are the cords that hold her heart together and she takes every opportunity to be involved her children and grandchildren’s lives.


  • Individuals
  • Families
  • Military Issues
  • Couples
  • Parenting
  • Foster Care
  • Children
  • Coparenting
  • Court-ordered family counseling (including children whose parents are involved in litigation)
  • Individuals and families affected by PTSD, AD/HD, obsessive and compulsive issues, behavioral * issues, depression, anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, attachment issues
broken heart

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

At Baldwin Counseling, we understand that unforeseen events in life may arise for one reason or another and you may need to cancel your appointment. We request that if a situation arises that is beyond your control, that you call the office at least twenty-four hours before your scheduled appointment. If you are unable to give a 24 hour advance notice, there is an $80.00 missed appointment fee, subject to the decision of your therapist. If you call outside of office hours, you may leave a message on the answering machine (757) 340-0275, or use the cancellation form below; they are both time and date stamped also the cancellation form will record your IP address for further verification of cancellation.


After form submission you will receive a copy of the email cancellation for your receipt, it may end up in your spam or junk folder be sure to check if you do not receive it in your main email inbox.

    Contact Us

    SEND US AN EMAIL (for scheduling or appointment questions, please call our main number (757) 340-0275 to speak with someone from our staff. You can also fill out our “Appointment Request Form“)

      Baldwin Counseling

      We've Moved. Effective July 1, 2021, our new address is:

      1492 South Independence Blvd. Suite 104 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 MAP LINK
      Tel: (757) 340-0275
      Fax: (757) 340-0276